Blockchain Can Make Our Government More Efficient, Transparent, and Secure

Press Release

Date: March 13, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) testified in front of the Select Committee for Modernization of Congress on Tuesday.

Remarks are below, or watch online here.

Key quote: "As technology continues to change our life, let's make sure Congress has the same ability to do it…to make this place more effective, more efficient, and most importantly more accountable."

"First of all, I want to thank the Speaker for creating this Select Committee.

"What you have before you now is a window and an opportunity.

"We all understand that Congress is by the people and for the people, but I believe our Congress should be effective, efficient, and accountable.

"The very first bill that was signed in the last Congress was called the TALENT Act. If we really want to get fundamental change here and utilize technology, we may need help from the outside. Think of some of the brightest minds around the world in technology companies that want to give back to their country -- not create a new occupation, but maybe spend two or three years in our agencies and others.

"We created a Bug Bounty for DHS where we invited the public in and they would sit there and work through it and show us where there were problems. And the one thing that you get there -- cost efficiency -- but they get a reward on the basis of what they find. You get the public getting more ownership of their own government and helping in that process.

"Congress passed a bill called VET TEC. There's new way of education out there like Udacity. But our own veterans were not allowed to be a part of it. So as technology continues to change our life, let's make sure Congress has the same ability to do it.

"What I'm looking for is building greater confidence in the institution that we have -- utilizing the 21st century technology to make us more customer friendly but at the same time give us greater information that can hold us accountable in this process.

"Blockchain is changing and revolutionizing the security of the financial industry. Why would we wait around and why wouldn't we institute blockchain on our own, to be able to check the technology but also the transparency of our own legislative process?

"So, personally I hope you take the job you're in very seriously. Because I am going to take your recommendations on a very serious level and I'm hopeful and I'm thankful that so many are turning out.

"We have an opportunity to take this window to make this place more effective, more efficient, and most importantly, more accountable.

"I thank you."
